Valencia Markets


If you have been following this blog for any amount of time, you have probably figured out that I love market. Local markets have the best spices, produce, oils, and meats among so many other delicious things like fresh baked pastries.

The Ruzafa Market (or Russafa) was in the same neighborhood as our hotel. If I had had the time and a kitchen, I would have made some delicious recipes with all the ingredients sourced locally. As it was, I did pick up some spices and olive oil. Spain has some wonderful saffron. I made this olive oil cake with Spanish saffron.

On our walking tour, which I’ll dive more into later, our guide told us about the Mercat Central de València. This market is huge and beautiful. The guide also said, that if you want to know what is going on in the city, don’t buy a newspaper, instead go listen to what is being said at the Mercat Central. I’m not sure if you can see them in the pictures below but the outside is decorated with parrots, for all the chatter that goes on here.

This market does cater to tourists a bit more due to its location than the Russafa Market but that makes sense due to its central location in the city and proximity to other popular tourists locations. That being said, there were plenty of locals and this market is definitely for them. It is not the tourists buying large slabs of meat and fish.

As odd as it may sounds, if I don’t know what to do in a new city – I look for a market. What people are selling and buying tell you about the culture. In this case, there was so much fresh food and smaller batched of things, along with some oddities, like the dehydrated sharks above.

Let me know what type of place you like to visit when in a new city. Safe travels and leave no trace.


Thank you KW Photography for allowing me to use your wonderful photos!

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2 comments on “Valencia Markets”

  1. Where I like to visit, I think, varies depending on the city. Parks and museums are generally near the top (those were places I went to when I was in Paris), and if I can, I now would like to find old haunts of famous authors if there are any.

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