Paperback Perils: The Woman in the Window


Title: The Woman in the Window
Author: A.J. Finn
Publication Date: 2018
Publishing House: HarperCollins

I’m not a huge fan of psychological thrillers but I find myself listening to them on audiobook as I drive to and from work and as I cook or clean. I listened to this book after a suggestion on my review of The Wife Between Us. When I was about half way through it I wandered what I had gotten myself into because the narrator irritated me.

Without giving too much away, Finn writes the narrator to be unreliable. Anna Fox is agoraphobic and has not left her house in almost a year. Part of her day is watching the neighbors through the lens of her Nikon. Her interactions with people are limited to those that come visit or call. Anna’s world has become very limited.

This book actually surprised me. I did not like it for most of the time I listened to it. There were times I even turned it off. However, the ending was worth it. The climax of this book brings all the things I did not like together and gives them a purpose. Finn writes the suspense well giving Anna and the reader a shock. This book is written in first person and it helps to really get into Anna’s head and make the climax so much better.

I’d love to know what you thought of this book and I am always open to suggestions for new books to read. Happy reading and have a great start to your week.

8 comments on “Paperback Perils: The Woman in the Window”

  1. I recently read this book and I have to admit that as much as I was gripped, I did feel slightly disappointed at the end. It was definitely a page turner though!


  2. Wow, Interesting plot. A person who doesn’t want to leave her house is intriguing. So is it better to go for audio-book or reading it will be better??

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