Tag: Donations

Weekend Wanderings: Hair Donation: Part II

It is done! I had 15 inches of hair cut off and love my new shorter hair style. The person I trust to cut this much of my hair off is Casie at Hair Garage in Lewisville, TX. Seriously, if you want a wonderful stylist or are looking for someone to help you with that

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Weekend Wanderings: Hair Donation: Part I

I don’t post a ton of pictures of myself on my blog but if you follow my Instagram or my boyfriends you might have noticed that I have fairly long hair. Well, it is time to donate my hair again. Previously I have donated to Locks of Love but this time I’m going to donate

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A Very Blogmas Christmas: Giving

Last week I talked about gifts because at this time of year we all want to make sure that we are giving people the right things and that they are getting the right stuff to give us. I think though that this is also the time of year to stop and think about others. I

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