Weekend Wanderings: Dallas Summer Musicals: Lion King


I know, it has been a while since I posted a weekend wandering. My weekends have been full of boxes, packing, unpacking and purging. Trying to get rid of so much. In the midst of chaos and stress was a gem of an evening.

Let me backup a bit. The Dallas Summer Musicals announces their season line ups over a year in advance and I have wanted to see this performance since early 2017. The minute individual show tickets when on sale I bought two (probably about six months ago). The evening was a wonderful date night for my boyfriend and me.img_2120

If you have never seen the Lion King performed on stage and if you enjoy musicals, you should go see this one. For starters the entire performance is absolutely beautiful, from the costumes, to the acting, to the music. Not to mention that the whole performance brings back some serious childhood nostalgia. I just wanted to sing along but for the sake of everyone around me I decided to leave that to the trained professionals.

When Lion King is performed at The Music Hall at Fair Park, one of my favorite directing things, is the that there are scenes when the characters walk through the audience. The best one is during scene one as Circle of Life is sung. A wide variety of savanna creatures are represented besides lions: elephants, giraffes, cheetah, rhino, gazelle along with others that I can’t remember.  img_2128

Another favorite thing about musicals is that they often contain songs that are not in the movie, at least Disney based ones tend to. Beauty and the Beast has Being Human and Lion King has He Lives in You. Please listen to the version I found on YouTube below.

I don’t want to give too much away but go see this musical on stage. You will not regret it. Also, for the 18/19 season I have season tickets so starting in December I’ll get to tell you all about all sorts of performances. Until then, enjoy my other posts.

If you want to keep up with McGee Travel Tales on other platforms make sure to follow my Facebook page for a variety different posts and updates.  

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