Category: Spain

Valencia: In Review

Valencia was a fantastic place to visit. We went hard for three days and walked over 25 miles. If you visit, wear good walking shoes as this city is extremely pedestrian friendly. If you missed a post, I’ve got everything categorized below. Safe travels, leave no trace and I will see you in the next

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Valencia: Beach Tapas and Tiny Pizza

We needed a snack while on the beach and stopped at this cute little restaurant called Cocoa for a beer and bite to eat. The restaurants on the water can be a bit pricy due to their popularity and proximity to the sea. That being said, it was still fun to stop in at to

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Valencia: Petit Palace Ruzafa

While planning this trip I had no idea where to stay. Emily was able to get a list of hotels and hostels from her study abroad program. They didn’t have deals with them or anything but were known to be good. After looking through them we decided on the Petit Palace Ruzafa hotel and loved

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Valencia: Books and Bookshops

Keltin and I love finding bookshops when we travel and we actually found a decent number of used bookshops in Valencia. Only one issue – I don’t know enough Spanish to read it. This presented an issue when it came to my love of finding regional literature. That being said, I did find something wonderful

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Valencia: Mediterranean Sea

On our last full day in Valencia we went to the beach. Technically, it is a suburb of Valencia that is on the beach but the normal bus system will get you there. We just wondered and enjoyed the day. I honestly didn’t even take many pictures until we went for tapas. It was interesting

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Valencia: City of Arts and Sciences

In my post about the Torres Do Serranos, I mentioned that the river was rerouted after a massive rain flooded the city. This left a large green way cutting through the city. There are a variety of parks in this this green way but the largest of which is the City of Arts and Sciences.

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Valencia: Valencia Cathedral

The Valencia Cathedral is a wonder in architecture variety. There are three distinct forms of architecture in this cathedral: Gothic, Baroque, and Romanesque. This is mainly due to the length of time it took for construction to be completed. Construction of the cathedral began in the 13th century and was not fully completed until the

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Valencia: Aqua de Valencia

In addition to Horchata our walking tour guide suggested trying a local drink called Aqua de Valencia. The restaurant we sampled this at was super cute and the tapas were delicious. Our guide did suggest not trying Horchata and Aqua de Valencia on the same day – apparently it can lead to a stomach ache.

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