Valencia: Michelin Star Review

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While we were in Valencia we treated Emily to an early birthday dinner. We had a 10 course tasting menu at a Michelin Star restaurant although we did have the option of 14 course. We did pick one that was on the more reasonable side regarding pricing. There were a few options but we chose to go with Lienzo. This choice was based on cost, something that wouldn’t break the bank, and selecting kind of a random. We did have to make a reservation.

You might notice that there are only nine courses pictured below. I forgot to take a picture of the eel on top of a piece of pumpkin. So good and I’m so sad I didn’t take a picture of it. The general consensus between our group was that the dish that looks like puréed cauliflower was not our favorite, not because of the cauliflower but because of the oyster coated in them. It was an odd flavor-texture combination that we weren’t fans of. That is coming from someone who typically loves a good plate of raw oysters.

My favorite of the savory dishes was the one with a black lattice, there is squid under there in a tangy, creepy sauce. This surprises me because typically I find squid too chewy but this wasn’t chewy at all. I also loved the dessert course. There were so many different types of honey and that bit of dark off to the side in the last picture is honeycomb.

To be honest, I have been wanting to do a tasting menu since reading Medium Raw by Anthony Bourdain. So I was super excited. Honestly though, none of us knew what to expect and we had a great time. Would you ever eat a tasting menu? Let me know in the comments. Have a good weekend!

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