Writing Group XXVIIII: Poetry

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The prompt for writing group this week was to write about a battle. This battle could be real, fictional, or metaphorical. I went with an obscure battle that was ultimately fought because of pride. This is the Battle of the Book that occurred in what is now Sligo County, Ireland. You can read the full story here.

Battle of the Book 

3,000 men died
3,000 lives lost
A man exiled 
And for what?

For a book
For a translation 
Latin to Irish
Pride before fall

A monk returned
From travel abroad
With a text
Words to share

His student took
Took and translated
And won’t share
A mentor’s rage

A king ruled
Ruled the translation 
Belonged to mentor
A student’s rage

His ire sparked
In Sligo county
Green was ground
Swords crashed, slashed

Men screamed, died
Broken swords, scattered
Once green ground
Now soaked red

A battle for
A translated text
Lives lost for
Bad copyright ruling 

Thank you KW Photography for allowing me to use your wonderful photos!

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