Valencia: Hummus to Horchata


We ate a wide variety of food while in Valencia and it started out with the first night we arrived. After a long flight, a missed train, customer service, a high speed rail line, and a long walk with suitcases we needed food. My little sis looked up anywhere near to our hotel and found Mediterranean food, in Valencia they do call it Arabic food. She had never had it before so we split a large plate. It was delicious and not too heavy after a long day of travel.

Yes, we got in late but we learned rather quickly that the Spanish eat on a different schedule than we do. What might be a late dinner for us was a normal dinner time for those living in Valencia.

I’ve mentioned the walking tour we took in the last post and addition to all of the information that we learned, our guide told us where the locals enjoy their horchata. The horchata in Valencia is made from the chufas, which are tiger nuts. The nuts are ground, mixed with water and sugar and then filtered into horchata. This drink is so sweet, if I was to drink it on a normal basis it would be in much smaller glasses. That being said, if you visit Valencia, this is a must try drink. Learn more about horchata here.

If you need more sugar while out, get an order of the churros and chocolate at the Horchateria de Santa Catalina. In addition to the pastries being delicious the building itself is beautifully decorated with the locally painted ceramics.

Bonus: Valencia is know for its sweet oranges. Don’t eat the ones from the trees lining the streets though, those are bitter and are sold to make marmalades. I am spoiled for orange juice after this trip. This vendor was outside the Mercat Central and you can buy fresh squeezed sweet orange juice. Those crates are full of oranges and they are juiced right there. Absolutely delicious.

We ate some delicious food in Valencia. This is just the tip of the tasty food pyramid from this trip. If you get the chance, this is a city that I recommend visiting. What type of food do you enjoy while traveling? Do you eat the local food? I look forward to seeing you in the comments. Safe travels.

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4 comments on “Valencia: Hummus to Horchata”

  1. I imagine that food must have been delicious especially after a grueling trip.

    It’s been a long while since I traveled, though back then, I admit, I did tend to gravitate toward foods that were at least somewhat familiar to me.

    Liked by 2 people

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