I’m finally over 500 followers! And a couple of the blogs that I follow have done blog parties and I decided that it was time mine had one. This one is going to be a little different hopefully.

  1. Please post the link to your blog in the comments or post the link to your favorite post that you have written.  I want to know more about you.
  2. Also, post a link to your favorite blog by someone else. Not everyone is always on monitoring and watching for blog parties. I want to share other fantastic blogs out there that might not see this post but that are worth reading.
  3. If someone follows you, you don’t have to follow back but it is always courteous.

One of my favorite blog posts that I have posed is a short story called Starlight Song.

A favorite blog that I follow is 89 and Counting. It is a review of the best picture winners but this is not simply, here is what I liked and disliked about the movie, no the writer dives into each and looks at specific categories each time (writing, directing, cinematography, and others). The blogger also goes into the history of why the movie that won beat out another that many find better main (like Citizen Kane not winning best picture).

Your turn, take this chance to show off your writing and the wring that you love to read.

Thank you to Welcome to Our Campfire and KaylaAnn for the inspiration and providing wonderful content.

53 comments on “BLOG PARTY”

  1. Hi Lacy,

    First of all: congratulations!! Every single one of those followers is well deserved 🙂

    And a blog party is always a fun idea!
    1) my blog: / My personal favourite post: / My ‘top’ post:

    2) I really love these blogs: / /

    Looking forward to discovering new blogs! 😀

    Happy blogging!

    Liked by 4 people

  2. Congrats on 500! I love this idea of a blog party!

    I suppose the best way to join in is with an introduction. My about me page is here:

    Some of my favorite blogs can be found here:

    I’ll make sure to check in later to see how many bloggers will join in!

    Liked by 5 people

  3. Hi Laci, Wonderful idea! Cant wait to meet more great bloggers like myself.

    1. A link to my blog:

    The post I love the most:

    2. A favourite blog of mine: The Fairy Whisperer. I admire that fact that its unique and gives advice to writers like myself. I believe that our work is both aimed to do the same.

    Cant wait to meet everyone!!!!! Party Timmmeeeee

    Liked by 4 people

  4. Hey there Laci! Looks like a fun party, I hope you don’t mind if I drop in. I’m an author, blogger, and reading enthusiast!

    My favorite post series so far is my “Siren” series in which I attempt to turn the typical mermaid/siren story on its head/or fin? You can find the first part here:

    Trying to pick only one other blog is a hard task indeed but I’ve got to give some love to Dorinda over at and Eugenia over at

    Liked by 4 people

  5. Hi there! You can find me at:

    I just recently published my first novel, “Embrace the Storm: The Guardians of Bliss” on I’m currently wrapping up the sequel to Embrace, and also finishing the first book in a new series. I hope to have the them both on Amazon by the end of the year. I also enjoy writing poetry and anything else that happens to be roaming randomly through my mind.

    I’m fairly new here so my favorite blog I follow at the moment is:

    We have had some great conversations about writing and she genuinely seems to want to engage with those who take the time to follow and comment on her posts. I’d like to find more people to engage with here on WordPress.

    Liked by 4 people

  6. Hi Laci. Congratulations on 500 followers! What a great way to celebrate.
    I am Ruth and my blog started out over three years ago as a way for people to find information about my hand crafted soaps. It wasn’t long though before I started including posts about our small farm, bee keeping, food preserving, recipes and more. We love visitors so everyone is welcome to take a look around.
    One of my favorite blogs is where Angela offers simple tips natural/healthy living.

    Liked by 3 people

  7. Congrats on 500 Laci!! My blog is focused on my excursions, Mainly in Wisconsin. If you ever plan on visiting, I’ve found some great places to check out. I really like the Thankful Heart by Rhonda Sitting. Also, Getting the Picture is another blog that I really enjoy.

    Liked by 3 people

  8. Wow, well deserved 500. Congratulations! We like this idea and had not heard of it previously.

    Our site is and our favorite recent post is
    We are full time travelers and write solely about the unique destinations we encounter.

    Two of our favorite blogs: This couple is all about trekking and hiking in remote and beautifully mountain locations. This is a very well thought and worded blog on spirituality. It does not always follow populous thinking but is even more grounded and inspiring than most.

    We look forward to meeting new bloggers 😊

    Liked by 3 people

  9. Oh, Laci! I missed the party! I’ve been so busy with my blog I’ve been in a blog fog! Congratulations on getting to 500! That’s quite an accomplishment – just keep blogging, blogging, blogging. I’m at, but you know that! Glad you’re in my neck of the woods. I’ll be back soon!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. This blog party is always open to you and all. Thank you for commenting, please click through and visit all the blogs. I enjoy your posts and I hope you enjoy mine. Have a great day!

      Liked by 2 people

  10. Laci, thanks for this opportunity. Congratulations on 500+ followers too! I love your site! You have amazing photos and I love that you also use an iPhone 7 for some of them. My blog is and I write tips and how to’s and about mobile photography using Apple products! I have two bloggers (instead of my favorite post) they have helped me a lot with my blog since I started in May this year. and both are very giving in their time and effort to help other bloggers. Thanks again for this chance to share mine and others work! Looking forward to seeing your posts in my Reader feed. 😊

    Liked by 3 people

  11. Congrats, I’m sure you’ve put in many, many hours to earn those 100 🙂
    My blog is for a community of people who enjoy sharing and reading good stories with other people. I write a prompt (along with my own response to it) and then you can use the comments section to respond to the prompt and read the stories others have contributed.
    It’s new so I’m still trying to build the community. Come join me – it’s a lot of fun!

    Liked by 2 people

  12. hey there, – if you like traveling but bored with Wikipedia and reviews. I try to write my post in a casual way, like I would tell my stories to a friend while sipping a glass of wine – or two haha

    and I just found this blog:
    absolutely love the marionette idea, it’s just so cool and different

    oh and congrats on the 500 followers, hope i can make it happen too soon…

    happy blogging,


    Liked by 1 person

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