Category: Germany

Berlin in Review

We had a great, if sometimes somber, time in Berlin. It is a city that I would love to visit again, maybe in the spring next time instead of the heart of winter. I would also like to see some more of the country. What is your favorite part of Berlin? Let me know in

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Book Review: Berlin A Short History

Title: Berlin A Short HistoryAuthor: Bernd StöverTranslator: Donna StonecipherPublication Date: 2013Publishing House: C.H. Beck I picked this book up in Berlin as my regional literature book. I found this book in the gift shop of the Neues Museum. Finding books in English wasn’t as difficult in Berlin as it was in Valencia but I still

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Food in Berlin

Our first night in Berlin we were starving after a day of travel. We had come from the warm Mediterranean to a cold and windy city. A quick Google search told us there was a Vietnamese restaurant around the corner from our hotel. The food was so good. On our walking tour the next day

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Berlin: Sachsenhausen Memorial

My apologies for the delay in this series, this is a difficult post to write. Concentration camps are not easy places to visit. They are places of sadness, death, and painful memories. That being said, they should be visited. The people whose lives were shattered in those awful places deserve to be remembered. Sachsenhausen is

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Berlin: Neues Museum

The Neues or New Museum is four stories and contains Egyptian artifacts on the first couple of floors. The 3rd and 4th floors are dedicated to Germanic history. From pre-history to a bit more modern. The gem of this museum is the bust of Nefertiti. The bust may be down an eye but it feels

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Berlin: Dinner at the TV Tower

Going to dinner at the TV Tower was not part of the original plan. However, since we were there outside the normal tourist season I found that they had a dinner package that included three course (from a limited menu) and two glasses of wine. This dinner was reasonably priced, I do know that during

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Berlin: Walking Tour

One of the thongs that Keltin wanted to do in Berlin was take a city tour. He found a 4 hour walking tour with Visit Berlin. This tour was €20 per adult, they do provide other tours that are not walking tours, like buses. That being said, Berlin is a very walkable city and they

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Berlin: Reichstag Building

Keltin is a huge history nerd and one of the things that he particularly wanted to do in Berlin was to tour the Reichstag building or more specifically the dome. This is an actively used government building that houses the German Parliament. It is free to visit but visitors do have to pre-register and bring

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