Food in Berlin


Our first night in Berlin we were starving after a day of travel. We had come from the warm Mediterranean to a cold and windy city. A quick Google search told us there was a Vietnamese restaurant around the corner from our hotel. The food was so good.

On our walking tour the next day our guide suggested this place to grab a quick lunch. Yes, there are a lot of carbs but it was a four hour walking tour – we needed the sustenance. This place was quick and tasty, all of the sandwiches are premade.

We ate a decent bit of delicious Asian food in Berlin. After a long day on Museum Island, we kind of just wandered a bit considering what to do for dinner and came across this place. This dish was just the right amount of spice and was called Meter Noodles. It was kind of difficult to eat with chopsticks butI was a pro by the time I was done.

Our last night in Berlin we wanted to eat traditional German food. The front desk people sat our hotel suggested this restaurant: Berliner Republik. They have a beer stock exchange that updates every 7 minutes, I think. You pay the price for your beer that it was on the beer exchange at the time you ordered it. If you are drinking a lot of the same thing I bet beer could get expensive fast.

Our last breakfast at Berlin was actually at the airport. But we actually bought pastries the night before at this bakery near our hotel that we had been walking past for three days. Everything looked so good so we got some of them for breakfast. We had no problem getting our pastries through security and found a place where we could enjoy them with coffee!

We had a wonderful variety of delicious food in Berlin, including a date night at the top of the TV Tower. If you are ever nervous about being worried about finding something you like to eat in new cities – don’t be, there is plenty of variety. What do you enjoy trying the local food while traveling? Let me know in the comments! Safe travels!

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2 comments on “Food in Berlin”

  1. Some of my most favorite eating experiences in Germany were in Asian restaurants. Can you imagine how odd it was being served by Japanese waiters whose German was far better than my own?! Blew my mind as well as my tastebuds. 🙂

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