Welcome to Berlin

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We didn’t want to disturb my distract my sister from her classes, so after a long and wonderful weekend exploring Valencia we said goodbye to Spain and headed to Germany. I want to preface this part of the trip by reminding you, dear reader that we were in a Mediterranean city in Spain with a wonderful climate even in February. We took a budget airline from Valencia to Berlin and got out onto the tarmac. It was cold and rainy and I suddenly missed that Mediterranean weather very badly.

We flew on a budget airline, easyJet. They are similar to Spirit in that we did have to pay a little extra to bring our carry-on luggage that goes in the overhead bins, but overall it was an affordable flight. We looked into taking a train to Berlin but it is so far from Valencia that we wouldn’t have had time to actually do much in Germany if we had.

Despite the cold and overcast day we were excited to get to Berlin. We found a city full of history and good food but more on that to come. Safe travels, leave no trace, and I will see you soon for more Berlin.

Thank you KW Photography for allowing me to use your wonderful photos!

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1 comments on “Welcome to Berlin”

  1. Wow, fabulous and remarkable blog post Laci. I am very happy with you that you visited Germany and go to see Berlin, the capital city of Germany. As I was reading this, I remembered my school days when I was learning History, which was my best subject, I remembered that Germany was actually the country that erupted the First World War and its wicked leader Hitler. Anyways, I am happy that you had the means to reach Berlin, I am sure those photographs will bring nothing but joy and smiles as you head back home.

    Take care my friend💯

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