Valencia: Things We Learned


We were only in Valencia for three full days but we learned quite a bit in the short time we were there.

Taking things slow

They definitely take things at a slower pace in Valencia. Emily and I had a great time just sitting at a little cafe while Keltin napped. There was no expectation to buy something else after we had finished our coffee. One of Emily’s professors liked to say that siestas aren’t just for napping but for taking time for yourself.

The Spanish also eat dinner a bit later than we do here in the states, that took a bit of getting accustomed. They also tend to socialize and enjoy We did enjoy the pre-dinner dinner drinks and enjoyed the local nightlife a bit. We didn’t stay out nearly as late as the Spanish.

Fallas Festival

We were not in Valencia for the Fallas Festival. The festival begins in March and it is a celebration that lasts two weeks. This festival is a celebration of spring, of the end of winter. The citizens build these giant, beautiful wooden structures that are burned at the end of the festival.

The part that we did get to see was some of the dresses. The women wear these fantastic, ornate dresses with unique hairpieces that I unfortunately didn’t get a picture of. That being said, we did see a number of ladies around the city in their full costumes having their photos taken. While on our walking tour, in the silk market we saw a person in costume.

We loved the slower paced but vibrant life that pulsed through Valencia and I definitely want to go back for the Fallas Festival. I feel like every time I travel I find new things that I hope to come back to experience. Do you feel the same? Let me know in the comments! Remember to leave no trace and safe travels!

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