Valencia: City of Arts and Sciences


In my post about the Torres Do Serranos, I mentioned that the river was rerouted after a massive rain flooded the city. This left a large green way cutting through the city. There are a variety of parks in this this green way but the largest of which is the City of Arts and Sciences.

A number of things to city in this area – make sure to wear comfortable shoes.

  • Oceanogràfic – the largest aquarium in Europe
  • Hemisfèric – 3D cinema
  • Science Museum
  • Palau de les Arts – music performance hall
  • Umbracle – an open air garden
  • Ágora / CaixaForum Valencia – multipurpose even space
  • A large reflecting pool where visitors can paddle board and boat

The architecture here is so different from anything else in Valencia. This section of the city is a sharp modern contrast to the rest of this ancient city that has been torn down and rebuilt by so many different cultures with so many different beliefs. We didn’t have time to explore any of the building but my sister said that the aquarium is well worth the visit.

What do you think of the architecture in this green way compared to the images of the rest of the city? Let me know in the comments. Safe travels!

Rose Garden outside of Hemisfèric
Entrance to Umbracle
Science Museum
Reflecting pool with boaters and paddle boarders
L’Assut d’Or Bridge with the Ágora / CaixaForum Valencia behind
I’ve set up the video to start at the City of Arts and Sciences.

Thank you KW Photography for allowing me to use your wonderful photos!

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