Welcome to Spain


Earlier this year we had the opportunity to visit Spain where my youngest sister was studying for the semester. Valencia was not a city that was even on my radar or places to visit but I am so glad that we visited her while she was there.

This coastal Spanish city is beautiful: full of history, delicious food, and architecture that is in a wide range of styles. The city moves at a slower pace. People eat slower, take time to rest, and stay up much later. I loved this escape from the rush from one task to the next that is daily life. Come explore with me.


When traveling to Europe, I do suggest looking at pricing on European based airlines. We found some good prices on Iberia.

If you are interested in visiting Valencia I suggest flying to Madrid and then taking the high speed train to Valencia. The high speed train is faster than taking a domestic flight from Madrid to Valencia and much less expensive. Also, something to note if you do want to fly domestic from Madrid is that domestic flights leave out of a different terminal at the Madrid airport than international flight arrive into.

I do suggest planning a minimum of three hours between when you are supposed to land and when the train is supposed to leave. Spanish customs can take a while with all the people that fly in to Madrid. If custom does take longer than expected, you can move your ticket to the next departing time for a small fee. I know this from experience. We took public transportation, the city train, from the airport to the high speed train station. The train journey was less than two hours, while driving can take four or more.

We did a lot in a short amount of time on this trip due to my sisters class schedule so come along for a busy but fantastic adventure in this beautiful city on the sea. Safe travels!

Thank you KW Photography for allowing me to use your wonderful photos!

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